Ratan Bazar, Nyoli, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh-225121

Certified Teachers

We have highly qualified teachers with extensive classroom experience.

Special Education

Our focus for students is not just on getting them educated, but also on their complete personality development.

Book & Library

A large number of books are available in the library for pupils to study.

Co-curricular Activities

Our pupils participate in co-curricular activities with their peers, which aids in their general grooming.

Welcome to Kaushilya Devi Higher Secondary School

We focus on the motivate the people to aware about the power of Education. Person who don't believe in literacy is an important for better living of life to view the direction of Life. Education can make change the situation of person as well as Country. Infrastructure : The term “school infrastructure” refers to things like school buildings, playgrounds, public amenities, libraries, laboratories, and other facilities. Infrastructure contributes to a positive learning environment. Goal : School life is one of the most important phases in the life of a man. It is the period during which one learns the basic principles of behavior, speech, and etiquette. School life, in fact, is a period of learning and training in all the aspects of the personality of a man.

The teachers here are highly qualified, richly experienced and techno savvy. They are harbingers of educational innovations and creativity. It is known for imitable achievements in academic, sports and co-curricular activities. It is constantly striving to broaden the mental horizons of its students. To keep pace with the changing fabric of modern education, the school undertakes many activities which put it in the category of one of the best schools.

Our Vision

To provide a stimulating learning environment with technological orientation; which maximizes individual potential and ensures that students of all ability levels are well equipped to meet the challenges of education, work and life..

Our Mission

To develop in every student an active and creative mind, a sense of understanding and compassion for others and the courage to act on their beliefs. We stress on the total development Of each child : spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and physical.

A Building With Four Walls And Tomorrow Inside.

World class Infrastructure for Parents & Students

It is critical to provide the framework for next-generation education, which is why having the correct infrastructure in schools is regarded half the job done. Better physical learning surroundings can have a substantial impact on a student's performance and future prospects.


The institution provides students with a variety of books written by well-known poets and illustrators so that students and teachers may keep up with current events and information. Students are also provided with a variety of publications, journals, and autobiographies of notable authors in order to help them improve and keep up with this competitive world.

Computer Education

Today, no education is complete without a working knowledge of computers. Computer instruction is provided to pupils in grades VI through XII for this reason. The college has a computer lab that is well-equipped and furnished.

18 Years of Experience

Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country

0 Certified Teachers
0 Successful Kids
0 Happy Parents

Certified Staff & Teachers

Education connects people together at right path. Education fills the empty mind with good things

Umesh Kumar Verma

Principle M.sc AG , B.Ed

Hitesh Verma


Ashish Kumar Verma

Assistant Teacher B.tech(CS) , B.Ed

Alka Verma

Assistant Teacher B.Ed

Neeraj Kumar Verma

Assistant Teacher

Pawan Verma

Assistant Teacher B.Ed

Amit Kumar

Assistant Teacher

Awdhesh Verma

Assistant Teacher B.Ed

Pradheep Kumar

Assistant Teacher B.Ed

Virjesh Verma

Assistant Teacher